
Showing posts from 2020

Learn Metasploit

Link to the room - Task1 #1  Kali and most other security distributions of Linux include Metasploit by default. If you are using a different distribution of Linux, verify that you have it installed or install it from the Rapid 7 Github repository. Answer:Not Required Task 2(Initializing) #1 First things first, we need to initialize the database! Let's do that now with the command: Command: msfdb init Answer:Not Required #2 Before starting Metasploit, we can view some of the advanced options we can trigger for starting the console. Check these out now by using the command: Command: msfconsole -h (-h is for help )  Answer: Not Required #3 We can start the Metasploit console on the command line without showing the banner or any startup information as well. What switch do we add to msfc...

Changing Hostname in Kali Linux

  Step1: Change in hostname fi le Change hostname fi le using nano or any other text editor  Path: /etc/hostname Command: sudo nano /etc/hostnam e Change the name from Kali → anyname Save the fi le Step2: Edit Hosts File Change Name in Hosts fi le  Path: /etc/hosts Command: sudo nano /etc/hosts Change kali to the same name as mentioned in hostname  fi le Remember all the changes can be done only in sudo  Now reboot the system to save the changes After Reboot check terminal
